Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Karma of Pencil Neck

Interesting read:

The Hungry Ghost Realms

The hungry ghosts are usually portrayed as thin necked men and women with bloated bellies, sitting around a table of food and drink but unable to consume the nourishment. They can neither feed themselves, nor cooperate enough to feed each other. They lust unceasingly for what is just out of reach. Psychologically, these are people who suffer from emotional and chemical addictions. No matter how much they consume, they cannot create a salve that heals what ails them. No hit is ever enough, no drink strong enough, no relationship consuming enough.

They always want more and even when they have it, they are unable to see it or take care of themselves enough emotionally to handle it when they do see it. They want, and they want, and they want, but apathy prevents them from respecting it when they finally have it.

This emotional state is also connected with greed. It is not the same kind of greed the wealthy have, but the greed that makes them obsessive and bitter, yet unwilling to put in the work. They look at everyone with resentful eye, wanting what other have bitter that they don’t possess it, but again, apathy keeps them bound in a state of emotional starvation.
