Thursday, September 13, 2012

Achema - Sharing Thought 92

We are so lucky to be born as human beings and have good chances to hear the Dhamma. But how many of us really put the Dhamma into our life?

Sometime you also can hear a Buddhist felt proud whenever they mentioned how many retreats they participated or who are their Masters, Sayadaw, Ajahn, Achaan, Ven. Bhikkhu, Chief Abbot and so on.

What is going wrong? Are we practice to get rid of our "Self", "ego", "pride" or we just practice to boost our "Self", "ego", "pride"?

Some even talked about Mahayana, Theravada, Vajrayana, Tibetan, and so on, but in reality Gotama Buddha teaching does not belong to all those sects.  Gotama Buddha teaching is for the whole mankind without those sectarian labels. When we seriously examine the Four Noble Truths or Noble Eight Fold Paths, we can't find this having anything to do with the sectarian labels. The beauty of Goatma Buddha teaching is free from those sectarian labels and every human being can practice it without any problem.

The practice of Dhamma is not to gain something, actually it is the training of to let go. The more you can let go, the more you are closer to the Dhamma. When those people who can see this Truth. They will automatically develop this wisdom of mind which can see things as they really are.

Some people still have those delusional minds thinking that they are suffering because of certain people words, actions and so on. Some people even try to stop others from slander, profanity, vulgarity but in reality we need those imperfection in order to see our weakness or others’ weakness. We can't hide our weakness, we need to let it appear and see the cause of its appearance. To learn its effect into others and ourselves, experience the suffering by ourselves then only we can learn how to stop the roots of our suffering. Please don't practice suppression because suppression is not the ideal way to solve the roots of the problem. Suppression is only to hide the problem from appearing, it has become difficult to solve when it goes down deep into our mind and become difficult to notice. People always think that how much they want to control the world according to what they want, they want the listed to behave like this, they want the members to behave like this or they want the Sangha to behave like this. But the wise move is to accept the world as it is rather than what you want it to be. This world is full of happiness and suffering. Without this imperfection, we can't really develop wisdom. Please let the nature happen as what it is, we just practice to observe this nature and develop our mind. If this world is full of perfection like in the deva realms, then Prince Siddhattha shouldn't be born in this human realm and seek enlightenment.

Some people put those blames on society, government, environments. If a human being suffering is come from those external factors...then how can we possible to get rid of our suffering in life? Whatever suffering in our life is because of our own untamed mind No one in this world can harm us most except our own untamed mind By ourselves indeed the evil done, by ourselves we need to walk the path.  No one can put us on their alms to walk the path.  No one saves us but ourselves, no one can and no one will do.

Let all of us walk this Noble Eight Fold Paths and experience Noble Being.  Nothing will happen without the right effort.
Achema – Malaysia 2005

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