In the human and celestial realms
In all the worlds there are
They see everywhere the Enlightened One's
Body of pure wondrous form.
Just as the power of one mind
Can produce various minds,
So can one buddha-body
Manifest all Buddhas everywhere.
Enlightenment is non-dual
And also has no marks:
Yet in the realm of duality
He manifests a glorified body.
Comprehending the nature of things is empty,
Their origination like apparitions,
His realm of action is inexhaustible:
Thus does the Guide appear.
Pure is the reality body
Of all Buddhas of all times;
They manifest sublime physical forms
Wherever and however people need to be taught.
The enlightened do not think
"I'll produce such a body":
They manifest spontaneously
Without discriminating.
The realm of reality is undifferentiated
And also has no basis:
And yet in the world
It manifests countless bodies.
The Buddha's bodies are not emanations
And yet not other than emanations:
In the reality where there are no emanations
He appears to have emanated forms.
True awareness cannot be measured,
The reality-realm's equal to space;
Profound, vast, without bound or bottom,
Utterly beyond the power of speech.
The Enlightened One has mastered
The road leading everywhere:
Through the myriad lands of the cosmos
He goes without obstruction.
Hiran Sanjeewa
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